Friday, November 30, 2007

Eddie, again

"Eddie in Red," 2005
Where has the time gone? I can't believe that it's been more than two years since I started painting.
I do think I've learned lots in the past couple of years and I hope to continue to learn more.
You might recall that Eddie is posted in an earlier entry. But I wasn't done then. I thought the grass was too distracting. I painted over it and also reddened the background a bit more.

Rusty at the park

"Rusty at the park," November, 2007

Well, lookee here. A new freshly finished painting. It might not even be all the way done, but I am happy with it right now. Give me 24 hours....

This is Rusty, my friend Heather's brother's working dog. Her brother, David, works for WA State Patrol and Rusty here is a bomb sniffer. As a working dog, he concentrates on his job most of the time, but here he's enjoying some time at the park.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

My family

The Family, August 2007
I used my watercolor pencils quite a bit this summer. Here is one of the things I finished -- my family. Actually, there are a few more cats if you want to count all of the cats that both of us take care of. And the 88 lbs of love is not quite that small.
Most people agree that I captured Rick pretty well. Me, they're not too sure of. And I can recognize Willow, Graham, Olive, and Cassie... Maybe I'll try another with all the cats some time!

Pen and Ink Wolf

Well, this is neither an illustration nor a pet portrait, but it's been a while since I posted anything new and I haven't scanned anything new. So, delving into what I do have scanned, I found this.

The pen is just a uniball fine point. Notice how messy I am. Basically, I am a scribbler. More soon!